The social order of ancient India was determined, to a great extent, by the heirarchical caste system.
Below a short summary of the various castes:
Khattiya (p), Kshatriya (s) Warrior Caste
Rulers, warriors, royal bodyguards, soldiers, governmental and palace officials, down as low as gate watch.
The Brāhamana Caste
Priest Caste had the exclusive right to carry out Rituals, ceremonies, recite prayers,.
The Vessa (p) Vaishya (s) Caste
Those involved in agricultural production produced (Farmers, Merchants, Skilled Craftsmen, Cattle Farmers).
Those involved in the production of Milk, Curd, Joghurt, Butter Ghee, Buttermilk, Whey.
The Sudda (p) Sudra (s) Caste
All others of low birth or those who worked for a wage.
All trades (for example: Carpenters, Weavers, Tailors, Potters, Barbers, Washers, Leatherworkers) had their own heirarchical level which depended on the status/cleanliness of the trade.