Castes* of Ancient India
*Vaṇṇa (p), Varna (s) "Skin Color" or Caste

The social order of ancient India was determined, to a great extent, by the heirarchical caste system.
Below a short summary of the various castes:

  • Khattiya (p), Kshatriya (s) Warrior Caste
    • Rulers, warriors, royal bodyguards, soldiers, governmental and palace officials, down as low as gate watch.

  • The Brāhamana Caste
    • Priest Caste had the exclusive right to carry out Rituals, ceremonies, recite prayers,.

  • The Vessa (p) Vaishya (s) Caste
    • Those involved in agricultural production produced (Farmers, Merchants, Skilled Craftsmen, Cattle Farmers).

    • Those involved in the production of Milk, Curd, Joghurt, Butter Ghee, Buttermilk, Whey.

  • The Sudda (p) Sudra (s) Caste
    • All others of low birth or those who worked for a wage. All trades (for example: Carpenters, Weavers, Tailors, Potters, Barbers, Washers, Leatherworkers) had their own heirarchical level which depended on the status/cleanliness of the trade.

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